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Cloud Computing in the Asia Pacific Top Priority

At the Hewlett-Packard Media Event recently in Singapore revealed that the Asia Pacific and Japan (APJ) into the region of interest for providers of cloud systems. Why?
According to Wolfgang Wittmer (Interim Senior Vice Persident & General Manager, Enterprise Servers, Storage & Networking, Hewlett-Packard, Asia Pacific & Japan), there are some important facts related to market IT (Information Tecnology) in APJ, namely:

* Economic growth beyond Western countries. In APJ, China has one of the most rapidly growing economy. In 2020, China will have a GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of 20.7% of total world GDP. Bamboo curtain country also has the world's second largest economy and largest creditor is the United States.
* The growth of the young population; excel in the use of social media. In APJ, the population reached 60 million people per year. Seven of the 10 cities with the densest population in the world are in Asia. Growing young population. A total of 1.8 billion people online. And Indonesia is the second largest Facebook users in the world.
* Virtualization and cloud encourage the growth of IT spending. Virtualization is the first priority for companies in APJ. As many as 20-25% of the company's revenue is used for IT spending.

The companies in the Asia Pacific region are currently expanding to many regional and global levels. Then increase the competitive advantage were carried out. They also develop new business models.
IT becomes a very important contribution in this regard mainly to:
* Increase the speed of the presentation of products / services to market
* Improve business agility
* Improve operational efficiency
* Adding the ability scalable ITAccording to Michael Barnes, an analyst with Forrester Research, IT spending in Asia Pacific grew 8% in 2011. By 2015 China will become the largest IT shopper relative from another country.
Cloud computing model is a priority at the company in APJ. From the results of research conducted by Forrester Research in Q2 2011, cloud strategy is the highest priority in APJ than other woods countries, namely 58%, compared with India (South Asia) 56%, Europe 32% and 34% American.
According to EJ Bodnar (WW Marketing Director, Technology Consulting Services, Hewlett-Packard), data centers in Asia Pacific grew twice every year from 2010 to 2014. And in 2012 China will become the largest data center market in the world.One cause of the growth of large cloud computing market in Asia Pacific is also due to the use of IT in general here is still in its early stages. So the application of cloud computing is not inhibited by the old system that already exists. This is why APJ into cloud systems market is very promising.

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