Adoption of Cloud Computing in Public Sector Rises
The trend of cloud computing in recent years have been busy not only discussed but also implemented. However, most users are from the private sector. Perpetrators have not been so sound public sector (government) that utilize this technology.
The U.S. government has stepped earlier to move into cloud computing. Through
a strategy of "Cloud First", they make the transition to the cloud of
data migration with the use of Google Mail, Google Docs, and This makes the U.S. government as the first Government-wide systems are turning to the cloud system since April 2010.
the U.S., governments in Asian countries also began trying to take
advantage of cloud computing services as their ICT efficiency efforts. "Although
there are concerns, especially related to privacy and data security
issues, the value proposition for the switch to cloud computing for the
government is too attractive to ignore," said Iwan Rachmat (Senior
Consultant, ICT Practice, Frost & Sullivan Indonesia) in a press
believe that by building a cloud computing ecosystem in their country,
they can create more business opportunities and even create export
opportunities for these services. Furthermore, the government also seeks to promote the acceptance of such services in various agencies, "Iwan said.
to a Frost & Sullivan's latest research in the Asia Pacific region,
21% of respondents government agencies have adopted cloud computing in
different applications. In
addition, research results also showed that by considering the
government's concerns over data security and data center locations,
private and hybrid cloud computing adoption has increased significantly
in the region.
the unavailability of fast internet connectivity and can be relied upon
to be a factor inhibiting the application of cloud computing in
Indonesia. In fact, this is the main requirement of adoption of this system. Another
problem is the low level of awareness about cloud computing so that the
real benefits of its application is still unclear to most parties.
things are the limiting factor for the Indonesian government to invest
in cloud computing, For that, they need education to the market as well
as government agencies in implementing this system, especially in terms
of benefits, the resulting efficiency, and security is assured,"
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