Science and Technology,
Linus Pauling
Posted by ozenk potgieter
Linus Pauling (1901-1994)
Scientist, activist and the only figure to have won two unshared Nobel prizes. Pauling’s scientific work originally focused on the nature of chemical bonds and their impacts on complex formations like proteins for which he received the Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (1954). He also worked against the spread of atomic weapons, organizing a 1958 petition to the UN signed by 11,000 scientists. This work led to the Nobel Peace prize in 1962. In his later years, he became absorbed by the possibilities of Vitamin C in fighting cancer and extending human life, an enthusiasm other scientists did not share.
Scientist, activist and the only figure to have won two unshared Nobel prizes. Pauling’s scientific work originally focused on the nature of chemical bonds and their impacts on complex formations like proteins for which he received the Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (1954). He also worked against the spread of atomic weapons, organizing a 1958 petition to the UN signed by 11,000 scientists. This work led to the Nobel Peace prize in 1962. In his later years, he became absorbed by the possibilities of Vitamin C in fighting cancer and extending human life, an enthusiasm other scientists did not share.
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